CHICAGO, IL – February 19, 2017 – CX University’s Founder and CEO spoke live on Radio WLS-890 AM on Sunday, February 19, 2017 with host Lauren Cohn about the relaunch of CXU.
The radio segment begins by sharing the adventurous and uplifting story of Dr. Latib’s childhood and how his resilience as a child gave him the courage to pursue challenge in life. Such bravery opened doors to a career in entrepreneurial endeavors, such as launching CX University in late 2015.
The heart of the radio segment describes CX University’s role as providing development for organizations and people who serve customers. When describing why the need for Customer Experience training is so important, show host, Lauren Cohn, asks,
“Why do you think that many [companies] have failed miserably in this area… it’s a headache to deal with your healthcare rep and all the different people you have to go through – credit card… utility companies, cable companies. Even when you go into some businesses if the sales person isn’t customer friendly, you’re probably going to walk out of the store and go somewhere else. Why have [companies] failed so much in this area?”
Dr. Latib responds honestly about the world of consumerism today and its shift towards the customer:
“It’s not a matter of having failed as much as having taken our customers for granted. In the past, customers didn’t have as much choice as they do today. With the advent of technology, imagine what we’re capable of. I can search for products online instantly. I can compare and contrast notes with a vast population who could render opinions about a particular brand. With that kind of power shift, companies are now compelled to begin to reexamine their assumptions and offer services and products and a responsiveness that embraces this new power balance that’s surfaced.”
Listen to the entire segment here or visit CX University’s website to learn more about how CXU is leading the way in Customer Experience training.