Introducing the Launch of PX Academy

agile team golden rule

The Nine Golden Rules of CX Success: Rules 7 and 8

Explore essential principles for enhancing customer experience (CX). It emphasizes the importance of listening to customer feedback and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. By implementing these rules, businesses can strengthen customer relationships and drive loyalty.

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The Nine Golden Rules of CX Success: Rules 4-6

Explore the transformative power of psychological safety and employee engagement in enhancing customer experience (CX) in this insightful article. Part two of a three-part series on “The Golden Rules of CX,” it emphasizes the need for organizations to build a culture where employees feel safe to innovate and express their ideas without fear of retribution. Highlighting examples from industry leaders like Google, Netflix, and Salesforce, the article illustrates how fostering transparency and trust can lead to improved customer interactions and overall business success. Discover how breaking down silos and prioritizing employee happiness can fuel exceptional CX and drive organizational growth.

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Across every industry, there is one common thread: call it a universal one – consumers. 

Let’s keep things simple – without customers, there would be no business to run. The business world learned quickly that with the advent of technology, information and knowledge has been democratized. Armed with access, customer expectations have changed – from instant responses, rapid resolution, and personalization to make them the center of gravity. Consumers want to be partners; they want to co-create, they want a say!

In the business world, we learned that price and product are taking a back seat. At CX University we trained over 15,000 people to understand how to become customer-obsessed. We learned that the same practices and operating models that work well in business can be applied to healthcare. If you know a family member or friend who needed care in a hospital, clinic, or physician’s office, you will realize how much their demands mirror the universal consumer.  

So, with the assistance of veteran healthcare professionals, we developed a training program to help healthcare organizations become “patient-obsessed.” The Patient Experience Academy (PXA) offers a training program leading to the Patient Experience Specialist (PXS)TM certification. Those who receive the PXSTM can also opt to receive six college credits that can be used in any RN or BSN program.

Maybe the announcement of PX Academy’s launch inspires you personally. Maybe you know someone who is already patient-obsessed and would benefit from mastering Patient Experience. Please share the news of our launch of PX Academy and celebrate with us the positive impact our CX discipline is having in all factions of “consumerism.”