CCXP Exam Prep


The CCXP Exam Prep covers the 5 pillars of Customer Experience as outlined by the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA). This course is a deep dive into preparing for CXPA’s professional certification exam to be qualified as a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP).



Embrace this next step in your journey toward CCXP certification by diving into this exam preparation course to fully equip you on exam day. Backed by our expertise in adult learning, the user-friendly learning platform includes easy-to-read text, seminal videos, interactive activities, and many practice test questions.

Knowing that our programs fit seamlessly into busy professional lives, this course addresses the underlying needs of adult learners by offering support throughout the learning process, such as study skills building in note-taking, techniques in reviewing materials, and auto-correcting tests with explanations for incorrect answers.

Closely aligned to the CXPA’s 5 Pillars of CX, this CCXP Exam Prep covers:

  • Module 1: Metrics and Analysis
  • Module 2: Improvement and Design
  • Module 3: Culture and Accountability
  • Module 4: Voice of the Customer and Intelligence
  • Module 5: Strategy in Action
  • Module 6: Practice Exams

Is this the course for me?

The CCXP Exam Prep is designed for people wanting to take the CCXP certification exam, offered only through the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA). It’s designed for those who have experience working in the CX-related role. Offered to current students, former students, and learners seeking additional support in CCXP preparation.

Course Access

Online, independent study with 6 months of access.


*CX University is a Recognized Training Provider for the Customer Experience Professional Association.
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