business growth customer centricityAs soon as an organization wants to embrace a change initiative like customer experience, it runs smack-dab into tradition, and the problem of actually executing the very changes it wants to execute. This is one of the largest reasons why change initiatives fail 70% of the time (Mckinsey, Changing Change Management).

So even before we talk about customer centricity, or about the change your customers and employees want, we need to discuss moose hunts. Once we can hunt down the moose in your organization, we can clear the way for change.

What on This Good Green Earth Is a Moose, and How Does It Keep My Business from Becoming More Customer-Centric?

Now, the moose is indeed a majestic, if ungainly, animal. But make no mistake: There are plenty of them ranging out in your organization right now, some within sight, others in hiding, but all useless, and we need to root them out before they cause any more damage…